Brittney Jones on What Not to Expect from a Business Coach

By: Evan Arroyo By: Evan Arroyo | May 11, 2021 | Sponsored Post,

Brittney Jones is a top female entrepreneur and global business leader who has impacted the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs by helping them transform their business fortunes. Through her solid social media presence of over 100K followers, she leads others to build online businesses they’re wildly passionate about. She ventured into the business world after realizing the 9-5 world never sat right with her. She believes that despite what most people want to tell you about being an entrepreneur, you don't have to struggle for a lot of years to make it in business. You can become whatever you want to be if you work towards it.


Named the Top Female Entrepreneur to follow for 2020, what sets Brittney apart is her honest approach to coaching. It’s important to understand the role of a coach when making this type of investment. According to Brittney, a leader is designed for those who are already motivated and hungry for success. Her role is to guide you on areas to work on and hold you accountable for the commitments you make, all for the growth of your business.

Brittney, however, points out that there are some things that a coach cannot deliver, regardless of what industry you are in. Here are some of the things not to expect from a business coach.

To remind you to show up: at the end of the day the most empowering part about being an entrepreneur is you are in charge of your own results and how you decide to show up. With that also carries a certain level of responsibility. While a business coach is many things, they aren’t a babysitter. They can’t want it more for you than you want it for yourself.

To be more committed to the business than you: The fact that you have hired them to help transform your business does not mean that you can take the weight off your shoulders and let coaches do all the work. You’re cutting yourself short when you give away your power like that. Brittney goes on to explain that she sees entrepreneurs give their power away like this on a daily basis. A common example she uses is Facebook Ads. There’s nothing wrong with that strategy, there are a lot of people who are great at them but you can’t give your power away hoping that a Facebook Ad is a magic fix. It’s the same concept when it comes to coaching. It's your business, and you know better what you intend to achieve and how you plan on impacting the lives of people.

To have extraordinary approaches and solutions: Business coaches provide the best strategies that suit your business and push you to greater heights. However, this does not mean a solution that nobody has come up with or has never been tried out. The best solutions are aligned with the client, simple, and backed by a lot of mindset work. If a strategy was all you needed to succeed, there would be far more successful business owners out there. The best approaches are backed with mindset work.

Brittney is very active on social media. You can reach out to her on Instagram and on her website. She also runs a weekly podcast, "The Underestimate me Podcast" for entrepreneurs looking to change the way they approach social media and online business.

Photography by: Brittney Jones