Top Docs Break Down The Game-Changing Emsella Treatment
By Phebe WahlBy Phebe Wahl|August 10, 2022|
Style & Beauty,
Often called the “Kegel Throne” as 20 minutes on Emsella is equivalent to 20,000 Kegels, the innovative pelvic floor treatment is a game changer—improving everything from incontinence to sexual wellness.
Thankfully, the enlightened age of sexual wellness and intimate health is upon us, opening the conversation for treatments and technologies like the game-changing Emsella. “Emsella uses HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy) to stimulate contractions in the pelvic floor muscles,” explains NYC-based, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Darren Smith. Smith often recommends a series of six sessions for the best results—and his patients are turning to it for much more than incontinence.
The treatment is a favorite among the country’s leading doctors, including celebrated cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank of PFRANKMD, who combines Emsella with Emsculpt for the ultimate “core to floor” treatment. Frank says that postpartum mothers, men, elite athletes and women who suffer from incontinence are all a perfect fit for this treatment as results include improved strength, balance and posture; alleviated back pain; and improved urinary issues and sexual health in both men and women. “When used in conjunction with other muscle development devices, including Emsculpt, you’re building core strength, posture developments and sexual health improvements for both men and women,” says Frank. “And although it’s not something you necessarily see, it is something you can definitely feel.”
“The device is FDA-cleared to treat stress urinary incontinence, but since it works by strengthening and toning the pelvic floor muscles, most of my patients are actually using it to enhance intimate wellness,” he explains. Aside from having a copper IUD or other metal in your body near the treatment area and a few rare medical conditions, almost anyone can benefit from Emsella. “This is one of the treatments that most frequently inspires my patients to say ‘That changed my life.’ As a physician, what could be better than a safe, comfortable treatment that provides a dramatic quality-of-life upgrade for my patients?”