WTHN, New York City’s favorite modern healing and acupuncture studio, has launched herbal supplements. Each herb is developed by Dr. Shari Auth who is an acupuncturist, herbalist, expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and co-founder of WTHN.
Now more than ever natural healing is essential, which is why WTHN’s mission is to reimagine wellness and to make it more accessible. First with acupuncture, and now with herbs: nature’s original medicine cabinet. Having been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years with empirical success, herbs are an integral part of natural healing. WTHN continues this philosophy by harmonizing ancient practices with contemporary scientific research, resulting in carefully proportioned formulas optimized to work their best for the body and mind.
Whether it’s to promote overall well being, boost immunity, enhance collagen production and beauty from the inside out, or reduce cortisol levels, WTHN’s herbs are designed to be an essential part of your wellness routine, to help you curate an entirely natural, purely herbal medicine cabinet.
Plus, the names are spot on. Herb blends like “Run the World” that helps smooth out the rough edges...so you can roll with the punches instead of throwing them! We also love the hilarious “Oops I Did It Again” for when you overindulge. This modification of a classic Chinese formula will help aid digestion of food and drink!
WTHN is demystifying herbs and natural healing and removing the stigma that oftentimes comes with integrated natural healing. By synergizing traditional Eastern medicine with an elevated and accessible experience. WTHN’s mission is to provide user-friendly, fast, and effortless access to these healing modalities. Inspired by their mutual love of acupuncture and shared vision to help others lead healthier lives, Michelle Larivee and Dr. Shari Auth co-founded WTHN to bring the healing powers of these time-honored, ancient healing modalities to a larger audience. WTHN aims to bridge the wellness gap and bring affordable, accessible, feel-good healing to the world.